Nationwide Live-in Care Services

International Holiday Care

Live-in care jobs

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It’s a very unsettling time for all of us. As you will no doubt know, things are changing rapidly and advice and guidelines from the government and the NHS are being updated on a regular basis. We are doing our best to keep all clients and staff informed of any new guidelines or information as it becomes available.

For the most recent updates, please keep an eye on our Facebook page

Advice relating to PAs and our care services:

  • We are advising all our PA’s to wear, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), including gloves, facemask and aprons. The use of PPE is strongly advised and all clients should ensure they have PPE in place, either through their GP practice or local pharmacy. 
  • If no symptoms are present, and only if the client agrees, after 7-14  days at one client, PAs do not need to use PPE when carrying out duties in the client’s home. Recognising that client’s situations vary, if the client prefers or if there is any doubt, PAs should wear PPE as per the clients’ instructions. Conversely, if a PA feels that they should be wearing PPE whilst working in close proximity to their clients, they should do so.
  • If PAs/carers become ill or need to self-isolate, where possible, they should do so in the home of their client. Where this is not possible, due to lack of space for an additional PA, or due to increased risk, the PA will be sent to self-isolate back in their own home. Under these circumstances, a replacement PA will be sought. 
  • We are monitoring the movement of our PAs, and advising them on the symptoms to look out for (as per NHS guidelines). We are in close contact with them in regards to travel, particularly in relation to travel from high-risk areas. Furthermore, all PAs have been reminded to be extra careful when travelling on public transport, keeping social distance and washing their hands using soap, water and alcohol-based hand sanitiser. 
  • All PAs must wear gloves/masks when travelling to/from clients, and on arrival wash their hands and change their clothes.
  • As public transport services run reduced timetables across the country, we advise planning travel in advance and if needed, Care Managers are on hand to aid with this.
  • As per government guidance 23/06/2020, the 2m social distancing rule is being reduced to 1m+, from 04/07/20, but please continue to keep as much distance as possible, between you and others.
  • If clients or PAs have any concerns regarding PPE, you must call ORIGIN immediately and speak to your Care Manager.

Advice relating to office staff and Care Managers:

  • All of our office staff are now working from home, and the Origin Care Head Office has now been closed temporarily.
  • All of our Care Managers and office staff can be contacted via the usual channels; the office phone will still be answered, as will all emails. 
  • Our Care Managers continue their commitment to securing cover for all our clients, and will continue to do so as this situation develops. 


Basic preventative measures for washing/drying hands and infection control that we currently have in place, are:

  •  PAs should wash and dry their hands on arrival at a client’s home thoroughly
  • Avoid touching one’s eyes, mouth and nose
  • Dispose of tissues, handkerchiefs in a sanitary way; flush down the toilet or bin
  • Keep all surfaces clean and sanitary at all times
  • Wash hands immediately after coming into contact with oral and nasal discharges

As on Monday 23rd March, schools have been closed to most children. Social care workers are considered key workers in the fight against COVID-19 and can still send their children to school. For any Origin staff that require proof of employment to send their children to school, these are available upon request via our Care Managers. 

We would advise clients to explore all options including family members, friends, local volunteer networks and any local shared resources for support, please share any ideas with us so that we may pass on to all clients and maintain service provision.

Origin PAs and client’s rate Origin training as excellent:

‘The training was the best I’ve ever had. It covered everything that’s important to the people we work with.’

‘Staff are trained to a high standard.’

‘The training must be excellent because the care is good.’

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